Tomorrow I'm headed out to New York! SO EXCITED. I've never ever been before and literally I can express my excitement.
I have one of my favorite bloggers here for a guest post! I'm obsessed with her photography. Thanks for posting, Hunter!
I have one of my favorite bloggers here for a guest post! I'm obsessed with her photography. Thanks for posting, Hunter!
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Hi guys, Hunter here. I’m from Hunter Kofford- the Blog, and I was so excited to hear that sweet Emily wanted to spotlight me on a guest post! I’ve seriously stewed and struggled so much over what to say and how to say it; words just seem to come easy to me (most of the time), but seriously… This is a lot of pressure!! (;
Recently I have discovered how much I love a) healthy living and b) photography, so I figured I’d try to throw both of those subjects in one extremely broad post. This could be boring, but hold onto your britches.
Someone once told me, “Health is not something that you achieve. It is a launch pad and there is always room to grow and improve,” and I feel I have learned that in the most explicit way in the last couple of months. I have always enjoyed eating healthy, but I am human, and I crave sweets (which stinks sometimes), so I constantly had the typical girl binge fest. I noticed it getting progressively worse and one day I hit rock bottom. I knew I needed to change the way I ate and viewed health so that I could feel better about myself and just FEEL BETTER. I’m sure you’ve had the thoughts.
One day I stumbled across @jennaskitchen on instagram, and I was instantly converted. I started searching for paleo and whole recipes, which then turned into me borrowing the book It Starts With Food and reading it’s contents in just 2 evenings. It was so interesting what I learned. Because of that read (highly recommended), I am more aware of what I put into my body, and I can listen to hear what my insides are telling me I need [more or less of]. I started the #whole30 journey, and I’ll be honest. I had to start over like 4 times before I really got ahold of myself, my cravings, and my emotions, BUT… one day I was thinking, and I realized “I MADE IT MORE THAN A WEEK WITHOUT CHEATING!!!” This was a huge accomplishment. Once I reached that, I was able to go another week without sugar or processed foods, and before I knew it, I was almost finished.
I won’t bore you with the nitty gritty, but I will tell you that eating strictly whole changed the way I think about food, and it allowed me to expand my horizons in the kitchen- which is always good. Since I started my Whole 30 journey, I have fallen off the bandwagon (which makes you feel like crap, so don’t ever do that), but I am now determined to jump right back on. Actually, today marks day one of “whole/clean eating” for me, and I hope to continue through it for a while.
Although I may not be participating in Whole 30 any more, I do appreciate what it taught me and what I was able to learn through becoming more educated on how my body reacts to certain things. That has been the most important thing for me throughout this process of learning of each nook and cranny in the kitchen.
For those of you who are seeking to find the healthier ways of life, there is no better time to start than now. There is such a huge support system all over the interweb, you just need to look for it. Start slowly and then you will find that the rest comes easy! Serious. Eating healthy is fun!!! Don’t let anyone tell you any different.
NOW, for photography: there’s not much to say about that. I am an eighteen-year-old Mormon girl in Utah who is just like all the rest. Camera around my neck and my vsco filters in my hand. That’s all there is to my photography. HA. Up until last Christmas I was strictly an iPhoneographer, but I was gifted the Samsung NX300 from Mr. Santa Clause and I love it. It is small and compact but has all the cool gadgets that you find on a nice DSLR (which BTW, purchasing one this week). IT EVEN HAS WIFI- so I can send my images straight to my phone. OMG best ever. Highly recommend this device to those of you looking to get into photography but not wanting to spend 80 million dollars. (:
So that’s that. A tiny tiny snippet of my ever-so-exciting life. If you’d like to read more about me and my life and not just this aspect, head on over to ! It’s a good time, I promise. If you’d like to follow along via instagram, search for @hunterkofford___ (that’s 3 underscores), or @theloganlightsblog. Also at!
Happy reading lovers!
omg. i'm hungry now. great.