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Tuesday, April 25, 2017
So, I'm eating meat now, right? So far, I think it's been ok, but I still feel like I can get my fill from fake meats. Also, I feel like vegetarian food has more flavor? I don't know, it's weird. I have been wanting to keep trying meats, though. Just because there aren't a lot of places in this area that are veg friend. 

So last week we went to Prime 16 in Orange, Connecticut. (Lol that there is a town named Orange.) Their beef is certified humane which makes my animal loving hear v happy. Also, atmosphere AF at this place, you guys. I should have taken a photo of the bar, but it looked like a vampires lounge hahaha. It was amazing.

Also I got this camera for a sponsored post, but I am actually obsessed with it. It's film, but digital which is the *BeSt Of BoTh WoRlDs*. So basically you can take pictures and see what they look life BEFORE you print them. You can add filters and crop and add stickers too. I'm not sponsored to post it here haha, I just genuinely love the product. I pretty much love anything film related, lets be honest.

This is the first burger I have had from a restaurant! (Does Shake Shack count as a restaurant?) It had bacon on the inside and then bacon on the top. I lol at how much meat eaters love bacon. Also it was HUGE!! My hand is twisted so weird in this picture, but you get the idea. 

Living somewhere new that no one you know has lived before is kind of hard as far as knowing where to eat goes. We are like, exploring all on our own from stage 1. So, if you are ever in Connecticut for whatever reason (Gilmore Girls tour or going to Yale), definitely add this place to your list! 

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