Costco chicken bakes OMG.
Redoing my photography website.
This tweet and Riley's response LOL! 😂
Donald Trump's speeches turned into an emo song.
Hearing someone pronounce tartar like "tar tar" instead of "tarter" lol.
Cutting our heating bill down by $40 by keeping it at 68 and opening the blinds.
This cool app that plants real trees in the world if you don't use you phone for a set amount of time.
Got my first bra since my reduction. It makes them look normal! (I have what looks like slight symmastia without it.)
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So I got these cool water balls that like grow when you add water. They don't really have a name or a purpose, they're just like a cool thing. They have led to lots of laughs lol.
J: "These balls are getting tiny!"
Me: "Did you see my balls are shrinking?"
Right now I'm working in eating disorders. I've learned a lot of really good things about body image, food, and the way society handles things. I was telling J the other day how people will be like, "Being naughty and having a cupcake!" and it's like, why is that naughty?? You can have a cupcake if you want? Anyway, then J was scrolling through Instagram and saw someone had posted a picture of food they "shouldn't have eaten" and he was like, "Em, look! Food shaming! Food shaming!!!!" Lol I'm teaching him well! 😂
Overheard at school: "Do color blind people see skin color?"
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