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A Happy List: 99

Monday, January 4, 2016
(My feelings toward 2015 haha.)

I ONLY HAVE ONE MORE HAPPY LIST UNTIL I'M AT 100!!! I'm so excited, you guys. I think I am going to do a giveaway with all my favorite things that make me happy next week :) :) :) So stay tuned!

Going through boxes and figuring out what to sell, what to take, and what to put in storage.
All of Jake's back rubs and hair combs when I'm feeling sad. He's so sweet.
Watching lots and lots of Zoella vlogs. (Thank you, Beverly.)
My mom's obsession with boxes and Christmas bags.
Finally some-what catching up on blogs.
Five Guys fries and veggie burger.
This chocolate bar. Holy cow.
Wearing a crown.
Jake's sass.

- - - - -

P.S. What do you all think of the new blog design? Yay or nay? (I'm keeping it either way, but just curious haha.)

6 comments on "A Happy List: 99"
  1. The new design is really cute! I love your happy lists. I need to start doing some of my own!

  2. I quite like the blog design! Very clean and simplistic. I like it. Way to (almost) make it to happy list #100! And aren't husbands the best for things like that? My husband always will rub my shoulders when I'm feeling sad or ornery, haha.

    1. THANK YOU! I'm glad you like it! Also I'm glad our husbands are awesome. It seriously helps so much

  3. Love the new blog look! . . . but did you get rid of your list of local places to eat?

    1. Thanks! I didn't realize I didn't have the Utah Guide label on! I'll add it to the categories feature and if you click it you should be able to see all the local places to eat :)
