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a happy list: 20

Monday, July 7, 2014

watching home videos / milly's sunrise drink (go to starbucks and ask for ice, blackberry syrup, and a lemon ale poured over that, it's the best) / watching can't buy me love (and just old movies in general) / making vegetarian chicken salad sandwiches / finishing a bridal shoot! / finally going to bikram yoga / going shopping with ma bb for the first time and getting some sweet deals (poor college students, lol) / watching my niece and nephew have some serious meltdowns at seeing fireworks for the first time / drinking bottled rootbeer / getting compliments on my lipstick

I'll be honest, I totally forgot to keep a list of awesome things that happened during the week, so this was sort of... on the spot I guess. Not the best, but it was still an amazing week! This one isn't looking too great since one of the girls at my work quit and my hours got doubled, but I'm determined to finish my class no matter what! Graduation is a must!

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4 comments on "a happy list: 20"
  1. I watched Can't Buy Me Love this weekend too! Maybe it was the young Patrick Dempsey but I was dying the entire movie.

  2. nice list! and bikram yoga was good? i;ve never tried it but am so curious!
    xo, cheyenne

    1. It was good! Like, it's the worst and the whole time I'm in there I'm having slight panic attacks and just trying to not run as fast as I can out of the room, but my goal is always to just stay in the room the whole time, even if I don't do all the poses. You feel really good afterwards! Lot of people leave before it ends, so just staying in the room the whole time makes you feel like a champion. Plus, you're hot-sweaty, so you feel like an champ. Give it a try!

  3. I hate it when I'm in there, but I like it when I get done. Haha. Plus I feel like it increases my street cred, ya know?
