So, Tuesday night wasn't really the coolest.
I had work from 12-8:30. While I was at work I received some bad news regarding my eligibility for financial aid. So, I came home and took a shower, but then Jake fell asleep at like 9:30. So, I was just feeling like a loser ha ha. Also, really lonely and depressed. It usually helps to have my dog, just cause she is so cute and my bff, but she isn't here. So, I tried to go to sleep, but couldn't. I decided to text some of my friends to see if they could make me feel better. One of my friends said something that was sort of, odd, to me. You'll have to tell me what you think.
"Make your life about the small and short sighted things. Don't have high expectations for yourself, you'll never be disappointed."
I don't know. Maybe it's just me, but I feel like although high expectations can be damaging and hard to achieve, they can help us be the best person we can be. If we never expect anything amazing from ourselves, we will never be able to do anything amazing. I don't know, maybe I'm crazy or wrong?
But, basically I wasn't really in the mood to throw away all my dreams because they were too high, so I decided to go for a drive to a local viewpoint. I wanted to photograph the moon, but it was pretty cloudy, so I just hung out and listened to Dashboard like a true emo would. Lol.
I didn't fall asleep until 2, but what else is new. No rhyme intended.
I feel like karma's going to really pay out though you know? I mean, only so many unfortunate things can happen to us before the good things start. So.... good things I give you permission to start.
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