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My brain and tongue just met and they aren't friends so far. - Regina Spektor

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Well, here are some photos a friend took for her class project.

Nothing new has been happening. Other than finals week ended, so I guess I am back alive now. Cool things happening up in hurrrrrrr.

Oh, I moved into my new apartment. It's really great and adorable. I'll have to post pictures of that soon. Except I don't even think anyone reads this anymore.

Oh well. I'm off to take a bath and have a mega hygiene night. My eyebrows are only a hair away from turning into Lily Collins. Anyways, pear haps I'll post something tomorrow on my lunch break. It actually all depends on if my computer fits into my bag.

My mom insists on talking to me even though I'm in the kitchen and can't hear a word she says.

I wish I had bubbles for a bubble bath. I don't like baths, but that sounds ideal.

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1 comment on "My brain and tongue just met and they aren't friends so far. - Regina Spektor"
  1. Oh hey, I still read :)
    These pictures are adorable and I'd love to see your new apartment! I'm moving into a new place too come next month.
