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New Photography Work!

Saturday, November 19, 2016
Since I relaunched my photography website (see here) I no longer have a space where I share multiple photos from each shoot. So I figured, why not share here! 

When I was in Utah visiting family this past week, I met up with two lovely ladies I have been dying to shoot with. Kaitlyn and Sarah! My lovely friend Sheree did their makeup and I am OBSESSED. I have always wanted to do heavy eye makeup on myself, but have never known how! One of these days I will get it haha.

Anyway, I couldn't be happier with these photos! The talent in Utah is AMAZING.

I love this one of Sarah!!

I really love this one! 

This one is my favorite from all of them I think.

Does this look like the cover of a Supernatural spinoff with sisters instead of brothers?! Lol.

Ok then the sun came out and we were going to be done shooting, but I wanted to experiment a little bit. I LOVE the way these turned out. I think they are some of my favorite photos to date. I only wish the background was as lit as well.

Kaitlyn here omg, that hand is tooooooo good.

Sorry for the photo overload! This wasn't even all of them! (Almost, but not all haha.) I hope you guys liked seeing a little bit of my photography work in this space! It has been rare in the past but I am going to be sharing more for sure!

If you have any questions please ask below! To book a shoot with me visit my photography website here or email me at :)

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