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A Happy List: 144

Monday, November 28, 2016

Exploring Yale and New Haven. There are actually some pretty decent places there!
Eating the first gingerbread loaf of the season from the cutest cottage Starbuck's.
Seeing the my first New England Christmas house! I love the style!
Getting so close to being done with Gilmore Girls.
Getting $100 worth of Zoya nail polish for $30.
Getting better at watercolor calligraphy.
All my Utah friends' snow pictures.
This Black Bear remix.
Pumpkin cheesecake.
Lora Zombie's art.

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I was complaining all day that we didn't have any pencils so I couldn't paint. Later in the day, Jake mooned me and I took a picture of it lol. He walked away and then said, "Is this a pencil?!"
I said "Where?"
Jake didn't say anything back. 
I said, "Where, Jake?!?!?!"
He said, "I was just kidding to get back at you."

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6 comments on "A Happy List: 144"
  1. I love gingerbread! And I really like the structure of this post, so cute.


  2. hahah thank you. although I feel like I should reverse it for christmas?

  3. This is a fun post. I love the fall colors in your photo. We don't have many fall colors in southern California.

  4. I'm loving all the snow pics in Utah too!
