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life lately

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

1. We went to get treats for t.v. night and Jake accidentally wore his slippers LOL. 
2. Biking along Jake while on his nightly run! That boy can whip out like, four miles no problem. Meanwhile, I'm on a BIKE and having trouble keeping up. #mostunathletic
3. I found a bunch of henna! I'm sad because it isn't as dark because it's so old, but it still turned out quite well.
4. CUTEST CHOCOLATE MILK. Literally, so cute. I can't even.
5. This was the night we made these sandwiches. I was mainly just excited that I found figs, because apparently like no grocery stores in my area carry them? It's weird. They were decent, but not the best sandwiches ever.

We played baseball with my family and Jake's family. After the game everyone just started playing on the playground at the same time lol. It was super random, but also really funny.

Also the rain in Utah has been the best lately. It's the only way to get through those hot summer days!! The weather here in Washington is so lovely, it makes me mind-cry just thinking about it. Hopefully when we return it will have cooled down a bit! Walking up all the stairs to get to classes is killer in the heat. (Well, killer for those of us who are babies when it comes to exercising lol).

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Fiore Pizza Picnic

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

The other day (and by that I mean anywhere from 1-6 weeks ago) we headed to Tibble Fork for a little summer picnic. We were originally headed to Little Caesars (can't beat that $5 pizza) when we saw Fiore parked at Lone Peak! We took a sharp turn and got some pizza, because hello. Why have Little Caesars when you can have Fiore? I could probably eat Fiore pizza every day and not even be angry about it.

Anyways, these ducks were crazy. They were definitely not scared of humans, so there's that as a factor. It's also important to note this is one of the few jumping pictures of me that have actually worked out. Props goes to Jake for being a good photographer husband.

My favorite thing about Tibble Fork is all of the pine trees! At least I hope those are pine trees? Who knows... not me. But it seriously is one of my favorite things. I can't get enough! We are actually in Washington right now visiting my supa-cool-Grandma and it's soooooo nice to be here! The cool summer air... the trees... it's a perfect environment! Also the fact that my grandma is one of my very favorite people, and also the fact that Jake hasn't been here yet so he is experiencing everything for the very first time, is making this a very exciting vacation!!

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a happy list: 28

Monday, August 25, 2014

Successful crafts nights with my cute friend Chloe / Watching the rain overtake the valley / Jake planning my sunday school lesson for me / Ron Swanson asking April if she is still there in the episode when he has a hernia / The season 7 final episode of The X-Files / Picnicking at Tibble Fork / The constant rain (sooo beautiful) / Eating Fiore pizza / Pulling my band tees out of storage / Giving Trixie a bath

Some funny things people have said...

Me: Look at his hair! He's so granola!
Jake: When I look at his hair I literally think of a granola bar.

Jake: It's like... give the president some frickin time off!!

My mom: I'm not a part of anything that involves hard rock.

My mom: Wouldn't it be weird if we came home and Trixie had like a beer can and a cigarette in her mouth?

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sometimes + an update

Friday, August 22, 2014

Sometimes when you're waiting for your husband to come home from work and your camera and remote are just sitting on the kitchen table, you just have to take some photos with your dog.

Sometimes your dog is the oldest, most disinterested in everything, creature to ever walk the planet.

Sometimes she will pee in the t.v. room at the same exact time you are calling her to go outside: and she knows it and she doesn't care and pees anyway. 

Sometimes she will jump up on your bed three times in one night and it will drive you crazy having to get up, pick her up, and put her back in her dog bed.

Sometimes you love her anyways because she is the cutest thing and *usually* the nicest.

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P.S. I've updated the tabs! If you want to see our engagement/bridal/wedding photos, click "love story". I've also updated the "about us" section. :)


Thursday, August 21, 2014

I am obsessed with Barefoot Blonde's braids. If you haven't looked at her blog, go check it out. Usually they don't turn out too well because #amateur, but these hippie braids were a proud moment in my day.

I'm obsessed with this chair! The last one had like, tons and tons of spiders in it and it was just gross. I saw this one on KSL for $20 and jumped! Colored furniture is one of my favorite things. It was pretty gross and ugly when we got it. We ripped off the ruffled bottom, painted the legs, and gave the whole thing a good scrub with some glass cleaner. It still wasn't that cute, but I feel like the blanket and pillow make it sooo much cuter. I'm excited to put it in our new apartment to add some color, since those white renter walls are the worst.

This is basically my morning every morning, sitting in the front room, drinking hot chocolate, and reading blogs/editing photos. I'm almost done editing the wedding I shot, so if any of you want to photo adventure, let me know!

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the cutest tea party!

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

They had caffeine free teas, lemon and raspberry.

First they brought out the cutest little tray with hot water, sugar cubes, and lemons!

Tiny cucumber sandwiches! So cute!

Ham and cucumber sandwiches and turkey.... something. I can't remember what it was called.

Cute jams and butter! I loved the little edible, decorative, pink balls in the jams. So clever.

Lemon and blueberry scones. They were soooo tiny and soooo delicious.

The cute decor of Dear Lizzie! My 35mm couldn't get everything (and I definitely forgot to try), but it is one of the cutest places I have been! Me and Katherine were just fangirling the entire time.

And finally, dessert! These brownies were so delicious!

THIS TEA PARTY WAS MY FAVORITE THING EVER. Special thanks to my lovely friend Katherine for accompanying me.

We're are having another one on Saturday, September 27th, 2014 at 12:00, noon. Here's the information.

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September 27th, 2014 at noon.
Located at Dear Lizzie in Highland, Utah.
Cost $20 per person.
I have to make reservations, so if you would like to come please do the following.

1.) Email me with your name, confirmation that you can come on September 27th, and your phone number.
2.) Please please please make sure you can come before you give me your reservation, because if I reserve you a spot and you just don't show up, I will have to cover your costs. I will be making reservations the Saturday beforehand and will send you a text to double check that you are ok to come.
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It will be so fun to chat and mingle! If you know someone who you think would enjoy coming, just tell them to do #1 and #2 above! I'm thinking this would be a fun monthly thing, so if you can't make it to this one, don't sweat it!

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a happy list: 27

Monday, August 18, 2014

Seeing Nathan Scott in the flesh at my place of employment (twice!) / Driving the Alpine Loop / finally seeing Dawn of the Planet of the Apes (and absolutely loving it!) / Buffy the Vampire Slayer / getting tons and tons of editing done / discovering new blogs / finally going to Swig / discovering just how awesome Pinterest can be when it comes to DIY projects / relaxing and discovering life can be fun when it's not filled with school constantly / braids on braids

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Some funny things people have said...
(While telling me about her hike.)
My mother: "We need to explore the mountain. I am going to hike all over that mountain!!"

(While telling us about how he ordered an old fashioned donut and the girl asked him if he wanted it glazed.)
Jake: "What do you think I want?! Dough?!"

(While ordering drinks at McDonalds.)
Jake: "And a Diet Dr. Pepper, and can I get some root beer mixed in with that?"
Employee: "We do not mix drinks."
Us: "...."

Jake: "Didn't it used to be that "tbt" was what you did the last thursday?!"
Me: "Haha! No, never!"
Jake: "I don't know!!!!! I've never tbt'd before!"

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I also feel it's important to note that I went on a run with Jake Friday morning. I haven't ran since high school. In high school I only ran like... a total of ten times. I've never played sports or any of that, so it's safe to say I ran literally (like, literally) .2 of a mile before I needed to take a break, haha!! All in due time, I suppose. Plus when the zombies come, I need my cardio to be ready!

Also, sorry for the boringness of this happy list, as you can probably tell this week has been one full of relaxation and mental healing. I basically go to a point where I felt like all I did was school and work and it was the worst! So, this past week I have been focusing on mental health and making our little basement cute. Not to mention organizing all of the boxes when we moved... basically we just threw everything into random boxes, so it's been quite the task organizing everything. But, organizing is my favorite, so it's been sort of a win.

In other news, I just want Xander and Willow to kiss. Every time they like, get close to it I find myself yelling at the t.v. "Just make out already!!!!" multiple times. But then they don't. Sigh.

Hope everyone else had a lovely week!

P.S. Here are some internet things to make you happy... this couple's newborn photoshoot with their dog, this backyard wedding, these cute wedding photos (I love their style!! And her dress=swoon.), this cutest nursery-on-a-budget-post (all I want to do is spray paint things gold now haha it looks sooo amazing),

the alpine loop

Saturday, August 16, 2014
Jake has never driven the Alpine Loop before! Thursday was overcast with a light drizzle, aka perfect for a nice canyon drive. When we started driving it was light outside, but then it got really dark and rainy... aka perfect as well. I was hoping to get some good photos, but ya know. I started filming instead because hello, raindrops on windshields are like, one of the best things, am I right?!

So, here's a little video and some pictures from our canyon adventure.

Cutest rainbow!! It was right when we were entering the canyon and soooo perfect.

The clouds at sunset were unreal! The no-editing-needed type, ya know?

I love the canyon. I love adventures. I love my bb. 

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doin' the daily

Friday, August 15, 2014
For some reason I have been super into baking lately. It's probably all those "liked posts" on Bloglovin' that are haunting my dreams. I love that they're there, but at the same time it makes me feel disorganized having a whole ton of saved posts.

So, I've started trying out all the recipes and almost all of them have failed/not been as good as I was expecting. So, I decided to record making these pierogis from the blog Love, Taza. Needless to say, it was a crazy mess haha. I'm not sure if you can tell in this video, but A.) It took me sooo long to make these. B.) I dropped like three of the little babies on the floor when I was boiling them. D.) The sprayer on the sink jammed, so when I turned the sink on to rinse dishes, I got soaked. E.) My camera died twice, so all of the parts that would have been awesome to watch, aren't here.

Haha, but, that's just what happens sometimes I suppose! Do any of you have delicious recipes that you've tried and loved?! I'm tired of fail recipes haha.

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things lately

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Tried out this zucchini bread recipe.

A cute, blurry puppy patiently waiting for the go ahead to eat her steak. I hurried and switched it to auto focus, but she was long gone. Hahaha.

The moon always. Am I right?!

Snapback-ing it to get sodas. Ya know, just the daily.

It's been a while since one of these have happened. So, here you go.

The sunset and moon. Once again. Am I the only one who is obsessed with them?! 

Another sunset!!

We finally tried Smashburger. I've discovered I don't like blackbean burgers in any situation, but Jake said his burger was on the same level as JCW's... so a win. Their Smashfries had rosemary though, and were tres bueno.

Tried out this recipe for lemon blueberry scones. It tasted weird for some reason, like there was too much salt? But pear haps my taste buds are just not used to healthy foods. I might have to try these again with white flour!

Breakfast and Buffy... a routine lately. I've decided Buffy is like a mixture of The X-Files and Dawson's Creek. Which is awesome, in case you haven't watched either of those. I love so much that the three main characters are Sarah Michelle Geller, Nicolas Brendon (Side note: I just looked him up on IMDB so I could refer to him with his real name, instead of "The Wolf In The 10th Kingdom" and HE IS KEVIN FROM CRIMINAL MINDS WHICH I HAVE ALSO BEEN BINGE WATCHING.), and Alyson Hannigan. Ok, but I still can't get over Xander being Kevin. They look soooo different haha. The 90's did a lot of people in, I suppose. 

I finally tried galaxy nails! I think they turned out pretty nicely for my first time. I'm loving them so much.

Just a cute husb.

I tried this raspberry coconut pancake recipe, except subbed oat bran with old fashioned oats, left out the raspberries, and used a blueberry syrup instead. I was mainly the most excited about remembering we have skull pancake molds, and also about one of them working out. 

1.) Trixie turns into a Trixie Taco every time we bring her into our room to sleep. She refuses to get out of her bed, and just lays there when Jake picks it up. We set it down and she'll stay in the exact same position hahahahah.
2.) My sister-in-law's cute baby!
3.) Not a bad thing when your husband comes home looking like this. #scoutsforlife
4.) Taught Jake how to french braid and he does it better than me! I love it so much.

These past couple days have been awesome. Trying out recipes that have been saved on my Bloglovin' for so long, combining my old blogs into one and making it private, cleaning up this blog, actually getting ready in the morning, and watching shows! 

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