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Bye Social Dental Felicia

Tuesday, March 22, 2016
You guys! Friday was my last day of work! Out of all the different places I've worked (8!!) Social Dental was BY FAR my favorite! 

I ended up absolutely loving start-up atmosphere. It was so relaxed and just fun! I think the coolest thing about working at a start-up is the sense of ownership you feel with the company. It becomes like your baby haha. And you can have like, a huge impact on how it functions. I hope I was able to leave it better than I found it, even if just by organizing the shipping system haha. 

Anyway, I'm so glad that I was able to work here and meet so many amazing people. #FRIENDZ4EVER. Also, look at this cute little surprise party they threw me on my last day! 

They came in with a confetti gun (It was so awesome! It startled all of us ahaha. I want like 10 of them.) cake, and a mini me! 

My work BFF, Sydney, got me this cake haha! I have been calling everything a "Felicia" lately so I'm glad that got incorporated haha.

My desk! And all the confetti!

Ok so they drew on glasses and lipstick! How good does it look?! #artists haha.

My department (minus a few people). I LOVE ALL OF THEM.

#tastetherainbow. Also Sydney picked out the perfect plates. Like the cake, the plates, it all fit me so perfectly haha. I love when other people know me so well that they can do that.

MY WORK BFF!!!!! She is going to have the mini-me in her office hahaha. I told her she should put cameras in the eyes so I can see her lolz. SYD I WILL MISS YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! COME VISIT ME! 

The final farewell! Ugh! I know I will love being a therapist and I'm happy that I'm on that career path. Social Dental was such a fun place to work though! I don't think I'll ever work anywhere that has that great of energy/culture ever again! Goodbye my little Social Dental. I will miss you!

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