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How I Know My Mother Loves Me

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Also here is a picture of Trixie. I didn't know where to put it, but I felt it was important to put it somewhere because LOOK AT HER SHE IS SO CUTE I CAN'T HANDLE IT.

Sunset pic with #nofilter. I swear the summer after my high school graduation everyone got really into sunsets. Like, REALLY. I swear every night I would see like, 3 different sunset pictures on my social media. I think it was one of those things that like, proved you were introspective. Like, if you could appreciate a good sunset then everyone knew that you were really solid and self aware. #highschoolprobs

N.E.WAYS. That's all I have for today. I am wearing fake eyelashes right now and I can't decide if I did them wrong or if fake eyelashes are just the worst?? Idk. I'll take some pictures and post them tomorrow.

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