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A Happy List: 103

Monday, February 1, 2016
My DIY glamgow mud mask. (And Jake doing it with me lol.)
The hope that I can be Diane Keaton when I'm older.
Finding some colored walls in Provo at last.
When Trixie is all curled up in her bed.
Going through our last packing box.
Getting tons of new clients at work.
Selling my orange chair.
Blake Lively's face.
Mini cupcakes.
Asian pears.

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Funny things people said:

Me: I kind of want to invest in some good makeup.
Jake: You got me all excited there. I thought you were going to say you wanted to invest in a mutual fund or something.

Jake: (referring to malasadas) They have these really good dessert pillows.

My mom: He was a good friend, not like a good friend, but like a good person as a friend.

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Ok, not gonna lie. This week has been absolute MURDER. In the realest sense, my life is literally falling apart. I'm going to do a separate post on it, because I feel it's important for the world to know why I am so non-social lately. 

But, I was able to muster out a happy list so maybe I'm not completely dead yet.

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1 comment on "A Happy List: 103"
  1. The mutual fund comment is killing me! Pretty much in stitches right now! Super sad to hear you're not doing well!! :( Sending love and hugs! Just remember you're amazing and loved!!
