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Oahu: Day 2 & 3

Wednesday, December 16, 2015
I woke up at like, 4:30 am this day haha. I LOVE waking up early, so I counted it as a win and went down to the local coffee shop as soon as it opened. 

I got an açai bowl and went back for breakfast every day after that haha. Needless to say, you should all add Island Vintage Coffee to your list of places to go. 

After breakfast we pretty much just had a chill beach day. It was nice just to relax by the pool and get tan. My main goal on the trip was to get tan and I think I met it like 60%.

I finally finished this book! I thought it was really good. Stephen King is my forever favorite.

We ate at one of the restaurants at the resort and got these really good drinks! Mine was like a pina colada made with guava and it was SO GOOD. 

Needless to say, day 2 was a good one! I love having days where I do literally nothing haha.

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Day 3 started out with breakfast on the beach again.

I went to Island Vintage Coffee... again haha. This day I tried the mango and peanut butter sandwich. It was really good! It was a lot for the morning, but I would hands down get it for lunch. 

How cute is this Mickey Mouse pretzel?

I didn't take many pictures this day because we went on an excursion on a catamaran. If you know me you know I have a fear of open water and basically avoid boats at all costs. So, I'm pretty proud of myself for getting on this one. I didn't go snorkeling or eat any food, but I did make friends with a 3 year old named Dylan who was also scared of the water haha.

Isn't this the cutest bridge? If I had to propose I would do it here hahaha.

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