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Oahu: Day 1

Tuesday, December 15, 2015
Yay Hawaii! I went with two of my friends and it was SO MUCH FUN! We got in pretty late, so we didn't do much the first day. We pretty much just explored the hotel and got dinner.

When we got to our resort they said, "Welcome home!" and gave us leis hahaha. It was so perfect.

The view from our room! Super gorgeous.

And the night time view. I wanted to get one of those really cool long exposure photos, but I left my tripod at home :/ Things to try next time :)

We ate at Roy's for dinner. Any restaurant that provides edamame is a win in my book. The first night I got the "mango and cheese" croistini appetizer because I figured it would be enough. HAHA. I forgot how small the portions at fancy restauratns are lol. Needless to say I ate every last bit of it. ALSO THIS MOLTEN CAKE WAS LITERALLY HEAVEN.

After dinner we wandered around the resort. They had it all cute and Christmas-y and it was amazing. We layed on the beach and chatted. It was so weird to hear the ocean but not be able to see it yet haha. I love getting to places late at night and then waking up the next morning and being able to finally see what it looks like. 

Part 2 tomorrow! Also sorry if splitting vacations by day is annoying IRL, but I love looking back on posts of my trips so the blog world will have to deal haha. 

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