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7 13 2013: the drive in

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Friday night we went to the drive in! I seriously have been wanting to go forevesssss. So, it was definitely way exciting, even though it took forever to get there. We got Subway before hand and picnic'd on our air mattress. 
The first movie was Pacific Rim, and I knew it was going to be terrible so I just slept through it. The second one was White House Down and I really liked it! It did start raining halfway through, so we had to jump in the car, but it was still so fun.
Also, those Jones Soda bottles are what I made Jake for his birthday. Quite enjoyable.
Tonight we're heading off to The Postal Service and Baths concert! Yay!
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2 comments on "7 13 2013: the drive in"
  1. woah. what a cute idea with the movies and the jones. i'm super jealous.

    xo. m.

  2. Ahh Emily this is totally on my Summer bucket list to do. I had no idea they still even had drive-ins but when I found out there was one in Salt Lake I made it a goal (and yet I still have yet to do it. Ugh.) But this makes me really want to go this weekend, ps I love that you guys were legit and brought your air mattress. Genius!

    And the Postal Service concert!?? Oh my gosh can I be you please. I wanted to go to that so bad but had to work :( how was it?
