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The Move To New York!

Friday, April 29, 2016
 Ok, I apologize in advance for the length of this post! I have tried to make it shorter and the following is as short as I could make it! I had plans to make a cool video and take lots of pictures, but it was too crazy to do any of that. So if you have any questions, just ask! I always answer all my comments.

3:00 a.m. - We left for the airport. We said goodbye to Trixie (sooo hard not having her with me, btw) and headed out with 3 suitcases, 2 carry ons, and 2 backpacks. (We actually got to check both of our carry ons for free!)

8:00 a.m. - We got the Denver airport and ate breakfast.
- We took this picture right before shiz hit the fan. 
- We flew United. I haven't ever had a bad experience with a certain airline until this. I had booked our tickets, but when I checked our boarding passes on their app it didn't have a seat assignment for us. Long story short, they somehow had a smaller plane than they had expected, so we BARELY got seat. Like, we were the second to last people to board the plane. They didn't give us seats together, but the couple called after us got seats together? I'm so mad! Like, the most exciting/important plane ride of our lives and we didn't even get to sit together. I also had booked window seats so we could see an aerial view of the city when we were flying in, but surprise surprise we had aisle seats.
- Also, this was a 4 hour flight and neither one of us brought a book or anything to do :(
- I will never fly United again! I don't understand how you can book and pay for a flight that far in advance and still get totally screwed over. Grrrr. Also, I'm made that they knew we were moving and it was exciting for us, and they gave the couple behind us seats together but not us. :(!!!!!!!

3:00 p.m. - We were told we would be able to move into our apartment that day. So, we didn't book a hotel or anything. We just took an Uber ($80 from LGA to Midtown, for those wondering) straight to the management office to sign our lease.
- Long story short: We weren't able to move into our apartment that night because we didn't have a signature we needed for the lease. The brokers had already given us the keys. We had already signed everything. All we needed was one more signature.
- The woman we were working with was SO RUDE!!! She left us in the room for 20 minutes to talk with a friend on the phone about Game of Thrones!!!! I am not even kidding. Even the brokers were like, "WTF?!"
- It made me even madder that we couldn't move in because we had been told we could. The apartment was empty! The brokers told us to just move our stuff in, but I didn't want to get there and have the landlord kick us out in the middle of the night. So we booked a hotel instead. ($219 unplanned dollars ugh.)

5:00 p.m. - We took an Uber from the management office to our hotel, dropped our bags off, and then literally sprinted to the nearest USPS to send the lease before they closed. Once we had the lease sent, we grabbed food at Shake Shack because we hadn't eaten since 8:00 a.m. and then went to look at the apartment. We loved it! I have a different post with just photos of the apartment.

7:00 p.m. - We went back to the hotel.
- I cried myself to sleep that night because:
   - A.) I missed Trixie. I felt so bad for just leaving my dog. Like, who just leaves their dog when they move!?!?!?! Horrible dog owners, that's who. I also felt like I could have moved somewhere where I could still have her, so I was mad at myself for choosing to move to New York where I couldn't have her. Also it was sad because she was on my bed :( and my mom had to go and get her and bring her upstairs. She missed me! It's sad with dogs because they don't know why you're leaving! Like I can't tell Trixie that I would have brought her if I could have. She just thinks that I don't love her anymore and left her :(
   - B.) I felt homeless. We had all our life packed in 5 suitcases and no where to go. I had no idea if our apartment was going to work out or if we were going to have to jump through more hoops. Plus our first experience with New York had been negative and mean and I just felt overwhelmed. 
    - C.) Mainly I missed Trixie :(((((( I still miss her so much :((((((

10:00 am - We decided there was no way we were going to haul all that luggage to a third location. So we took an Uber to the apartment and dropped it off. We got ready at the apartment and then met someone for our Airbnb for that night.
1:00 pm - I had a job interview in Chelsea, so we went down there for a bit.
- After my interview, I kept trying to call Jake, but he wasn't answering. The first time I called him it rang. The second time it went straight to voicemail. I tried to find him on Find My Friends, but it kept saying "location unavailable". I went to Pushcart Coffee and got the best Nutella hot chocoalte of my life. When I didn't hear back from him within like 10 minutes I was naturally convinced he was dead. It turns out he was in a basement Starbuck's without any service :l haha.

- I had a second interview but was SO GROSS. We didn't get to wash our faces/brush our teeth/etc the night before because we stayed at that Airbnb. So we rushed home early in the morning, I got ready. We got the lease back while we were there. Then, we headed downtown for my second interview.
- Right when we got off the subway we got a text from our broker saying the management company was ready to meet. Jake jumped back on the subway and met with them while I had my second interview.
- I walked out of the interview and saw Jake waiting for me and heard we got the apartment! Ha!

From there, it has just been gathering essentials and trying to get our apartment in order! Haha! It's definitely been an adventure. I now understand why they say, "If you can make it in New York, you can make it anywhere." It truly is the most confusing, hectic move that exists, probably. I kept telling Jake, "If we had a car we could just keep all this stuff in it while we try to figure things out!" But, it worked out in the end. 

We're finally living in New York!!

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