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6 24 2013

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

These are my favorite from a shoot I did with one of my friends. You can see the rest here. I am going to post my photoshoots there, so if you ever get an itchin... you know where to find them.
My sister and I were just talking about fashion blogs, and we both decided that we don't like them unless the photography is good or the outfits are unique. Also, people who are constantly posting their links on Facebook and reminding people to follow them, are so strange to me. I don't know. I guess it's like this: I want people to read my blog because they want to read it. I want followers who actually follow my blog and read it. I don't understand the bloggers who do "follow backs" and who put their links everywhere they possibly can. I mean, I understand posting a link to a post you particularly liked, or are proud of, but when they post links every day it just confuses me a bit. Also, the whole asking a question at the end of the post to better engage your readers is dumb to me. I feel like they are just trying to get me to comment when they ask things like, "how was your weekend?", because let's be honest. It's not like they really care a whole ton. I like when they ask questions that are genuine, like, "where are some good places to eat in china?" or "how do i make the cat print on my pants stand out more?" because those are things they actually want to know.

I don't know though. I'm sorry if that offends any of you. It's just my personal opinion.
I do understand wanting to get more of a following though, because then you get free stuff and free stuff is always cool.

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2 comments on "6 24 2013"
  1. your photography is beautiful. i love every photo and what a beautiful model as well!
    i know what you mean about the hustle associated with following and followbacks..i agree with you. you should follow blogs that you actually like!
    with that said, everyone should follow yours, for it is kind of awesome!

    newest reader,
    morgan novelate

  2. I love these pictures, especially that last one.
    I feel ya with the follow backs thing. I think every one hates that except for the people who do it!

