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6 20 2013: boating

Thursday, June 20, 2013
A snippet of my favorite dress I got from that cool thrift store in Salt lake. This is the one I tried to photograph like, two different times and failed both lol.

My brother falling while wake boarding. It's funny every time.
From the time we went boating.
Do you ever have a swimsuit that is really cute, and you're like, "why in the world haven't I been wearing this?" So, you decide to wear it without any swim shorts or skirts or anything, and then you get to your public swimming place and realize that it completely crawls up? And then you realize that you never wore it, because you aren't a fan of flashing everyone in public? Well, that's exactly how this swimsuit was. Such a bummer.
In other news, it's confirmed that I'm still afraid of water.

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