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In the mean time, I'll wrap my gnomes up and stuff them in my closet, because they aren't as necessary and I thought they were.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

I was going to stop posting on this blog, but I decided to keep it until I get my new computer and Photoshop. My free trial of cs6 ran out on the 31st, and it's super hard to go back to Photoscape. Ahhhh. But, hopefully I will make enough money this summer to have enough to buy it when school starts. But, for now, this will be my amateur-high-school-teen blog. I might as well get it all out of my system.

Anyways. Last night I attended a pool party at The 40 Year Old Teenager's house. The Awkward Indie Boy didn't come, and I feel like he would have contributed an interesting quality to the night. I should have called him. 

But, The 40 Year Old Teenager was there and he was enjoyable. We talked about how there's no communication. The Coffee Shop Boy was there as well, and he was just as great as I thought he'd be. The Girl Who's Going Places and I took our friendship to the next level and decided we are extremely similar. The Girl With The Zelda Tattoo entertained my friend and his friends, which was nice. I guess the rest of us weren't as entertaining as they thought we should have been. Overall, it was a good night. Except for the end. I think something should have happened, and it didn't. Also, something else was annoying, but, it's not like everyone is here to make me happy.

Only my gnomes, right?
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