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"Everything beautiful in architecture has been done already."

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Maybe, I'll stop talking in metaphors one day, because no one understands why I'm a robot anyway. Or why my gnomes are no longer necessary.

Maybe, I'll stop thinking boys will catch my hints, because I guess they haven't even heard of that word before.

Maybe, I'll stop not saying things I want to say in situations, because they would make for a much more interesting story later.

Maybe, I'll stop with all the nick names and I'll tell all those strangers I like the way their faces look and I like their button up shirts.

Maybe, I'll do that. 

Maybe, I'll chicken out, because I'm really not good with words in real life. I'm not good at saying goodbye at airports, and I'm not good at saying goodbye on the telephone. I'm not good at leaving voicemail messages and I'm not good at telling boys I like them. I'm not good at discussing the problems I'm having with the people I'm having them with. I'm not good at any of that, really. But, I suppose I should improve, because I don't want to turn into One Of Those People.

So, I'm going to start being awesome with words. I'm going to start answering your questions when you ask them, and I'm going to start telling the truth about what I think about you. I'll do that. I really will.

Just promise me you won't melt, ok? That really would make for a difficult situation come fall.
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