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all things lovely daily deals

Friday, October 4, 2013
Hello! Just a quick post because I don't think I've posted about this yet...

But, there is a new awesome website! It's called All Things Lovely Daily Deals. You can check it out here.

Link Here

There are lots of awesome deals on some neato hand picked products. My favorite so far are these "gossip girl" butterflies. I seriously couldn't get over Serena's wall when I first saw it. I regularly tell Jake that as soon as we both have jobs we are going to hire someone to copy the installation for our wall ha ha. Then I found these butterflies! Perfecto!
(Adding "o" to the end of adjectives? Like why?...)

Anyways, that's all for today. Don't forget to drop a comment and enter the Kensie giveaway on the post below. Anonymous commenting is enabled in case you don't have a blog.

I'm off to show a 10 page literature review who's boss.

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1 comment on "all things lovely daily deals"
  1. Um, those are SO. DANG. CUTE. Your wall is perfection. this is your wall right?...
