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tuesday friends wanted

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Here's what happens on Tuesdays.
Me: School from 9 - 12.
Jake: Work from 8 - 1. School from 1 - 9.
Me: Alone from 12-9.

So aka solitude.
This past Tuesday I ate delicious cupcakes, bought a rockin' pair of Ralph Lauren tights, painted a new mug, and ate a carmel apple.
So that was a wonderful experience.

Thanks to family and friends for visiting me!

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for those who couldn't see the wolf...

Monday, September 23, 2013

Ok, now scroll down and look at the other photo.
It's like the man in the moon. Once you see it you can't unsee it.
In other news, I'm pretty sure I just ate breakfast crepes with expired eggs. 

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Sunday, September 22, 2013
So, this past weekend Jake and I went camping! It was actually really fun. Half the battle is finding a campground (especially free ones for us poor college students). It took us two hours to find this one!

We send up our tent and then started a fire. We were surrounded by trees, so we couldn't see the full moon. I wanted to do a moon ceremony, but decided not to since we couldn't see it ha ha ha. The sunset through the trees was so beautiful though.

Jake started a fire like a boss. He kept making mini-grilled cheeses with a cheddar cheese block and club crackers. I definitely ate about half a bag of hint of lime chips and salsa. Have you ever had them? They seriously are so delicious. One guess to what I'm eating right now...

I am proud to say I roasted my marshmallow on a legitimate stick that I sharpened with a knife all by myself. Also, I am proud to say it was the most perfectly, thoroughly roasted marshmallow I have ever created.

I have decided fire is one of my favorite things to photograph. Any tips?

The next morning we ate some food and then packed up our bags. I was going to do a shoot with the tapestry I got from Soul Flower, but the lighting was weird. If anyone wants to shoot up there, I found the most beautiful field surrounded by trees... Hit me up.

OK DOES THAT NOT LOOK LIKE A WOLF? LIKE BEHIND THE TREE TRUNK ON THE LEFT? I was setting up the tent and literally had a freak out when I saw it. I thought it was a wolf and booked it to the trail, grabbed some rocks, and then started walking back. It was really dumb though, because about halfway there I decided my rock would be useless against a wolf. So, I just waited for Jake to get back from the car and we checked it out. It turns out it was just the trunk. BUT JEEZ-UM!

Sorry not sorry for all of the nature pictures. It was so beautiful. I love fall.

We decided to stop by Squaw Peak on our way home. There was a wildlife group there and we were lucky enough to see an eagle fly by! My fixed zoom couldn't capture it, but it was definitely a cool experience! Look at that view!

Do any of you guys put your camera ridiculous places to get a self-timed picture? I had to balance this on the car hood and then put the lens cap and the strap underneath it to balance it better... Haha and we even had a tripod in the trunk! 

That was our weekend!
Hope you had a fun one!

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life lately as seen from my iphone

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

1.) So, basically my Tuesdays are spent painting. Pros: I get to complete paintings and watch of Criminal Minds. Cons: Jake has work and school all day (literally) that day, so we are apart and it is really sad and I really miss him while he is gone.

2.) A feast according to the us. Which is really sad considering it was quesdillas and two fruits. Eh. One of these days I'll find the time to put some effort into what food goes into my mouth.

3.) Awesome pictures my husband takes of me while I'm sleeping. My brother-in-law did this for the longest time, seeing as I fell asleep everywhere at all times. It seems the tradition has been passed down. So embarrassing.

4.) So, Jake had a canker sore and would only smile like this for about two days. How cute is that?!

5.) I literally laughed out loud when this happened. Sooooo funny. The girl who posted it is someone I used to work with. I didn't mean any harm! I was just stating facts! I really really wasn't trying to be mean or anything, and didn't event think about it as a mean thing to say to someone. However, when I saw what a girl had commented after me (not the girl who posted it) I sort of felt bad. But honestly, who doesn't know Marilyn Monroe committed suicide?! LOL and also the fact that I was called a "chick" and a "douche" in the same sentence was so funny. Not even being sarcastic right now.

6.) How big are those tires? Naturally we freaked out and had a whole conversation about it. Life.

7.) Cute new screen savers left on my phone when I am taking a shower. Points, JC. Points.

8.) I went with Jake to school (he goes at night) and read a shiz ton of stuff about stats and also feminism and felt rather proud of my accomplishment. Also, might I just take this moment to say I have 100% in all of my classes and I don't feel one bit braggy about that because I got a 1.82 freshman year.
Tables are turning, my friends.

That's life in a nutshell.

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that time we went to the women's expo

Sunday, September 15, 2013

So, on Saturday we went and visited my mother at the women's expo where she was working a booth.
Gosh, those places are horrendous! I hate the fact that people will literally just stop in the middle of the isle and look around. It's like, do you not realize that there are people trying to walk behind you?


Anyways. We got some grub and GTFOed that place. This necklace is going to be on All Things Lovely Daily Deals, so keep an eye out! And follow us on instagram if you want sneak peaks of what's coming up.

We were both wearing leather leggings, so naturally a photo op.
After Jake was done snapping our photos we were teasing him about it being his turn and look at these beauties! LOL. I can't stop laughing at his stance in the first one.

We decided to take to take a picture, because we don't have a whole lot of normal quality photos. My sister was literally rolling around on the ground, so... so much for that!

In essence the expo was pretty terrible, but it did look like there were lots of cool things to buy and sample. Maybe when I overcome my annoyance of strangers getting in my way and claustrophobia I will brave the crowds.

Until then.

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summer in review according to my iphone

Saturday, September 14, 2013
Well, this definitely isn't all the photos I took with my iPhone this summer, but just the ones that are lagging behind.
I don't know why I don't post things from my phone more often. They're much more interested.
Take said photo for example. This is me sitting alone at a table at a wedding flashing "blood".
Cool kid status achieved.
(In all reality I was actually responding to all of my sister's text messages with a photo, and she definitely was not too pleased with that joke.)

Here is my dear mother confiscating all of my horror tapes. That I was trying to load into my car to take  to my apartment. A direct quote is, "Emily, I am not going to allow trash like this in my house!!"
When I protested that I bought them with my own money and was also taking them out of her house to my apartment her reply was, "I am not going to allow trash like this in your house either!"
So, that was that. 

My cute husband who surprises me with raspberry lemonades hand delivered to my workplace.

The girls at my work who are really entertaining. One of which had a conversation with my manager which ended up with us getting a poster board and markers, so we can "get out feelings out". 
Naturally, a unicorn was drawn for me after I had a breakdown about financial aid (which strangely enough later on turned out to be false and I definitely attribute this phenomenon to the unicorn below).

Whilst at my sister's house her dog, Max, jumped on my lap and allowed me to pet him. Max and I have not had the strongest of all relationships in the past, so this was sort of a monumental occasion. After my psychoanalyzing, I came to the conclusion that Max does not receive any love.
So, that was sad.
Pouvre Max.

Me and Jake discovered the most delicious shaved ice to ever exist in Utah count at the suggestion of my sister. This was the Little Mermaid and it was only $3 and it made my day 89% better.

Meet the half BYU Jake and the half not BYU Jake.
He's a good one.

Taking pictures with cats to send to my grandma, because she appreciates cute stuff like that.
Also this cat has a vendetta with me and Trixie and that's not ok in my books, but I decided to be more Gandhi instead of Malcolm X.

My cutest puppy always sleeping in her bed, which is actually the most adorable thing ever.

 I was making fun of my sister for when she always made me take pictures of her and her husband (mind you that was VERY often)
(and by VERY I mean every time we did anything, and even sometimes when we weren't doing anything at all)
and asked her to take a picture of me and Trixie and this is what I got back, so lesson learned.

I finally remembered to ask my sister what this game was called and she luckily remembered the name so this is now on my list of video games to beat while I'm pregnant.

Finding cute notes from Jake on Tuesdays is the best because I am literally alone all day until like 9 p.m. and that results in me feeling like a baby who needs to get a life.

What I look like on Tuesdays.

What I accomplish on Tuesdays.
This actually looks much cooler now though, because I added some palm reading and it just works.
I shall post a picture at a later time.

When a hurricane came to Utah.

When my friend texted me and asked what I was doing.

Well folks, that's all I've got for today.
I think I shall start doing a weekly "From My IPhone" sort of post, because those pictures are the truest, ya know?


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