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6 24 2013

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

These are my favorite from a shoot I did with one of my friends. You can see the rest here. I am going to post my photoshoots there, so if you ever get an itchin... you know where to find them.
My sister and I were just talking about fashion blogs, and we both decided that we don't like them unless the photography is good or the outfits are unique. Also, people who are constantly posting their links on Facebook and reminding people to follow them, are so strange to me. I don't know. I guess it's like this: I want people to read my blog because they want to read it. I want followers who actually follow my blog and read it. I don't understand the bloggers who do "follow backs" and who put their links everywhere they possibly can. I mean, I understand posting a link to a post you particularly liked, or are proud of, but when they post links every day it just confuses me a bit. Also, the whole asking a question at the end of the post to better engage your readers is dumb to me. I feel like they are just trying to get me to comment when they ask things like, "how was your weekend?", because let's be honest. It's not like they really care a whole ton. I like when they ask questions that are genuine, like, "where are some good places to eat in china?" or "how do i make the cat print on my pants stand out more?" because those are things they actually want to know.

I don't know though. I'm sorry if that offends any of you. It's just my personal opinion.
I do understand wanting to get more of a following though, because then you get free stuff and free stuff is always cool.

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6 23 2013: questions answered

Sunday, June 23, 2013

A.) I am currently living with my mother, because I am getting married (on Friday!) and my brother moved in last week (he jus turned 21) and OMG HE IS SO ANNOYING. Imagine a tall, strong, man walking around your house burping and making obnoxious noises really loud. Like, I literally can almost not deal. It’s definitely testing my patience skills. When we were in high school I would write in my diary about him all the time. LOL. But jeez, glad the count down is on!!! Living with siblings is a challenge!

B.) Some other blogger nominated me for this Liebster thing, but I don’t really want to do all of it, so I’ll just answer the questions and choose some other people who I think would enjoy it!

1.) What are you currently reading/the last book you read? 
The last book I read was ‘Salem’s Lot by Stephen King, and the book I’m currently reading is The Shining by Stephen King.
2.) Who is your celeb girl crush? 
Ummmmm I don’t really get this, but if I could look like any celebrity, I’d probably want to look like Winona Ryder.
3.) Is an animal cracker a cookie or a cracker? 
??? WTF is this question?
4.) Do you have a list of names you want to name your future children? If yes name one boy and one girl (:
I’m actually not doing this one either, because I don’t want people to steal them lol.
5.) What is your favorite PIxar movie?
I usually don’t like watching cartoon/animated movies. So, I only watch them if I am 
with a group of people and they want to watch it, or if it’s with kids.
6.) Something you have already crossed off your bucket list.
Shoot. I just packed my bucket list notebook.
7.) What is your worst habit? 
Probably being messy or being outspoken when someone says something I don’t agree with.
8.) Where did you get your blog layout? 
I just messed with the code and made it myself.
9.) What’s the worst job you’ve ever had? 
Starbuck’s! My manager was super strict and to the book. I’m sure there are plenty of posts you can read about it.
10.) How many pillows do you sleep with? 
11.) What is a beauty trend you want to try but haven’t gotten around to yet? 
I don’t know... I am more into fashion trends other than beauty trends.

The 11 questions I choose for the people I tagged are...
1.) What is the one thing you absolutely must do before you die?
2.) Which sense would you lose if you had to lose one?
3.) What do you want to do most right now, at this very  moment?
4.) Have you thought about how you would like to die? (MORBID. I know. But, I am dead set (no pun intended) on dying in an honorable way, such as defending my grandchildren from a home intrusion and dying from a gunshot while simultaneously killing the intruder. Don't tell me you don't think that'd be kick a.)
5.) Would you rather be completely miserable but have an amazing positive impact on the world, or be totally fine but not improve anyone's life in any way?
6.) If you could tell someone something, without it having any effect on anything, what would you tell them? 
7.) What is something weird that you do? Ex: counting the windows on buildings, moving your fingers like you're typing out the words people are saying, talk to dogs like they are people, must have more than one fork in the dishwasher because you feel bad for it being alone, etc. 
8.) What's the one thing you would change about our society if you could?
9.) Why did you start your blog?
10.) Why do you keep blogging?
11.) Do you believe in aliens?

You can not answer them if you don't want to. If I didn't tag you, you can still do it. If you do, drop your link in the comments, so I can read what you wrote.

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P.S. I'm an idiot, because I forgot to tag people in this. I tag Beverly, Jessica, and Autumn. If you guys want the real directions, you can read about it here.

6 21 2013

Thursday, June 20, 2013

So, awkwardness taking these. I haven't ever done like an outfit post before... so I don't really know what to say... 
Basically dressing is a little bit more challenging now that I have garments, so whenever I get dressed I feel a little proud, as stupid as that is.
I went up to this place that I thought was absent of humans. However, I'm sitting there snapping away, when suddenly I hear some man's voice and some kids yelling back at him. I look around and apparently my "secret" place is really below some hills of the golf course, so the family that was golfing was apparently looking off the edge and saw me. I felt like an idiot. Lol. Just some girl in the middle of a random hill taking photos of herself. 
I guess it's what you gotta do! 
Today is my brother's birthday, so we are going to go see World War Z. SO STOKED. I've been waiting for this day for months. Zombies never disappoint.
Have a lovely Friday and do something adventurous for me. I love to live vicariously.

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6 20 2013: boating

A snippet of my favorite dress I got from that cool thrift store in Salt lake. This is the one I tried to photograph like, two different times and failed both lol.

My brother falling while wake boarding. It's funny every time.
From the time we went boating.
Do you ever have a swimsuit that is really cute, and you're like, "why in the world haven't I been wearing this?" So, you decide to wear it without any swim shorts or skirts or anything, and then you get to your public swimming place and realize that it completely crawls up? And then you realize that you never wore it, because you aren't a fan of flashing everyone in public? Well, that's exactly how this swimsuit was. Such a bummer.
In other news, it's confirmed that I'm still afraid of water.

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6 19 2013: from the farmer's market

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

LOL. This is what happens when I try to take photos of myself in completely public places with my 35 mm lens. I should have used my remote, but I am no where near ready for that yet!

So, on Saturday I went to downtown Salt Lake for their weekly farmer's market. Jake was having a guys weekend, so I just went by myself!
It was a step for me, because for the most part I have trouble going out and doing things by myself. It wasn't until college that I could go through the drive-thru or to a restaurant to get food by myself. I just feel stupid going places where everyone else is talking to someone, you know? If it's grocery shopping or clothes shopping, then whatever, because lots of people do that alone. But, if it's like an event, such a market or a gallery stroll, it's a little more difficult for me to go by myself. I have tried it a couple times in the past and I just felt like an idiot. Except I don't mind going to concerts alone, but that's it.
It was sort of awkward at first, I felt like people were all, "Look at that loser girl here by herself", but honestly, I feel like having a wedding ring on helps, because then it's like, "Yeah, she's a loser being here alone, but SOMEONE loves her." Hahahahhaaha. But, anyways, I got a really cool shirt and saw some birds from the aviary sanctuary that everyone thinks is a midget village. And of course I couldn't leave without going to Brugee's! I waited in a twenty minute line and listened to an awkward first date. I got a table on the sidewalk, but then these men came and sat down next to me and they were literally talking about how one of them peed on someone's suburban and how that person still didn't know it was him and his friends who did it... I was like, honestly? You are like 40 and have a wife who you got a waffle for who you think isn't going to eat it so you shouldn't have gotten it, but you got it anyways. Like, shouldn't you be doing more productive things than urinating on someone's suburban? 
Anyways. Then I wandered around a bit and found a great dress at a thrift store that I shall post photos of later, and I also found this. It was obviously meant to be mine, considering I found it in a rare book store on a cart in the back underneath some other books that hadn't been put away yet.
Then I came home and went out on a shoot and then saw The Great Gatsby! All in all, a great day.

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6 18 2013

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

So, on Sunday I wore one of the dresses I thrifted in Salt Lake and I drove thirty minutes out of my way to go to this beautiful spot to photograph it. Well, once I got there I parked my car and walked along the trail for a bit to get to the spot me and Mila took Veronica's photos at. I whipped out my camera and realized I had left my memory card at home!!!!! So frustrating!!! So, I had to leave and come back home feeling like a complete idiot. 
I do that so often though! Because I'll plug my memory card in to put my photos into photoshop, but then I just forget it and leave it there! Worst. I really need to put like a backup card in all my bags lol.
Anyways, so here's some photos of that location that I snapped when I went with Mila and Veronica. Also, there is a watermelon slush that is composed of only watermelons. I quite enjoyed it. The polka dotted straw definitely made it taste better, in case you were wondering.

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6 16 2013

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Yesterday evening, I went with Mila to take some photos of my friend Veronica. Veronica has been on here many times before, because she's just so good at modeling! I never have to tell her what to do, and also she has good style, so pretty much my  job is really easy. Mila wanted to do a stylized shoot, so we headed out and took some pics! 

They are all Mila's work, and you can see them on her Facebook page here.

I don't know, you guys. I sort of feel like I've hit a road block with photography. I still really like it, but I feel like my editing needs to improve, only I don't know how to do that. 
Do you have any tips that helped you? Maybe there is a website or a book I could read? 
I guess I should say that I want to work on the colors in my photos. I really like the style of these shoots/photographers Beverly, Shay, Steffany, and Kinsey.

So, idk! If you know of any great resources, I'd love to know of them. 

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6 15 2013: pizzeria 712

Friday, June 14, 2013
Ok, I swear I don't go out to eat every single night! This week has just been special for some reason.
But, on Wednesday I went shopping and got to wear my cutest new shoes! So, yay for thrifting finds. 

Then, that night whilst packing my t-shirts in a cardboard box, I got a strange urge to drink water from a mason jar.
I remembered the Pizzeria 712 was trendy like that, so I ran upstairs and convinced my mother to take me as one of our last mother-daughter-spontaneous-adventures.

It was such a huge disappointment! We each got salads, and they were weird, as you can see. Mine was mozzarella, watercress, cauliflower puree, with olive tapenade and lemon vinaigrette. It just wasn't floating my boat. The greens tasted too much like arugula for my taste.

It was such a cute place though, with it's brick oven fireplace and local artwork, I felt bad disliking their food. So, I forced my mother to stay for another half hour while we ate a dessert. We got buttermilk panna cotta with some sort of lemon glaze. It wasn't bad, but it wasn't too good.

I feel so bad saying this place is the grossest, but it really is! Who knows, maybe their pizza is better. It is called Pizzeria after all.

However, it is located in this huge apartment complex that lost it's funding a couple years ago, but they finished one of the buildings. I went inside last weekend when I was trying to find Beverly, and fell completely in love with them! I made my mother come inside with my this time too, and she absolutely hated them as well! Ha!

I guess it just wasn't a good night for our adventuring.
At least we have the memory of it, though.

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6 13 2013: naked fish

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Ah, sorry for doing two terrible iPhone photo posts in a row! I really need to start taking my camera places. Well, I actually did take my camera when we went to Naked Fish, but I don't know. I just felt like it would be weird to pop 'er out and start snappin pics.
But, it was Jake's dad's birthday on Tuesday and he's really into sushi, so we went to Naked Fish. It's supposedly the best sushi restaurant/restaurant in general in Utah! So, that's cool. We got edamame and spicy edamame to start. I'm not too obsessed with spicy things, but spicy edamame is really good. I think it's healthy for little vegetarians like myself as well, so pear haps I shall add it to my diet. My mom eats it all the time and I used to think it was like, the weirdest thing ever.
I got the vegetarian sushi and it was my second time ever eating sushi. I know it's like the trendy thing to do right now, but I just never got into it. One time we went to Sukura, and the chef was appalled that no one out of our 6 party had ever had it, so he brought us out all this sushi and no one like it ha ha ha. 
But, I quite liked mine. I think it was the raw fish that threw me before. This one had like asparagus and some other green vegetables that I couldn't identify. And those things on the left ("rice pillows" as Jake calls them) were delish. They were almost like a dessert. 
All in all, I would definitely recommend Naked Fish if you are ever in downtown Salt Lake. Thanks to Papa Coop for taking us all!

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P.S. They don't have forks though... at least not on the table, so make sure your chopstick skills are adequate!


Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Sorry for the terrible quality iPhone photos. 
Monday we went and got bridal taken, and then afterwards we were headed to get some T Bell and were talking about how we were sick and how much it sucked. I really wanted to go to Osaka after we got our photos taken. Ever since we ran through it on accident during a Gallery Stroll, I just couldn't get over the cutest little room in the back! So, we decided that we were decently well enough to enjoy some Japanese. 
They have these cute little rooms at the back that are all private and you have to take off your shoes and then step up into it and sit on the floor! I really liked the miso soup, and the salad was really good as well. I got the Yasai Donburi, and it was alright. I liked the green beans, but I just can't get myself to eat cooked carrots ever.  Just the texture is gross or something, idk.
Anyways, now I can mark another Center Street restaurant off my list! 

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P.S. Also, do you feel like every time you are wearing sweats or something extremely ugly, you decide to spontaneous drive somewhere other than a drive-thru for dinner? I swear, every time I'm getting ready to leave to just drive through somewhere, I just throw on whatever is there, and then I end up having to go in somewhere public, and I always feel like an idiot! This time I was wearing a fringed tank top and faux leather leggings... so embarrassing!

6 10 2013

Monday, June 10, 2013
Well, marriage is in 18 days. So, that's a thing now.
Here is a video of me and Jake, because I definitely did not take any photos today, because I have been/will be spending it getting ready for my bridal photo shoot tonight.

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6 9 2013

Sunday, June 9, 2013

My apologies for being MIA. 

I have been ill and spending my time watching Prison Break. Such a good show.

I'll do a real post tomorrow. Just wanted to pop in and say hello.

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Also, now accepting delicious vegetarian recipes. Keep them easy, if you can. I'm no chef.