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One panic attack away from happiness.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

+white mocha with raspberry from Juice 'N Java
+local artwork
+mountains on campus
+creepy cages in the basement of my future home
+best of friends and future roomies

"Do you think it's possible to do something without knowing why you're doing it?"

"People drink to cover up what they want."

"It's like when you do things in a dream, and it frightens you because you didn't think that's who you are, but, it's you. Even in a dream it's still you."

I definitely just stole all those from the current episode of Pretty Little Liars I'm watching. Except no boy is giving me his jacket. I feel like teenage boys never even wear jackets to begin with. Teen angsttttt. That's alright, we will wait for suit coats, right!?!?!

I think I'm going to buy a white dress this winter. 
What do you think? 

Oh, and it's never unintentional.

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