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Weekend Links

Sunday, June 25, 2017

This video about addiction IS SO GOOD. If you never click a link I post, please please please click this one. It's so good and something everyone should know.

This video of beagles that are used for lab testing being released for the first time is SO PURE. It makes me sick people experiment stupid cosmetics on poor animals. If anyone knows of a good app that says what is cruelty free, let me know! (I downloaded the one they reference in the video and it keeps giving me an error!)

These dog memes are TOO GOOD.

One of my favorite shows is being turned into books!!

Highly recommend this video about Scleroderma. Chanel is truly inspiring!!

For any LDS friends struggling with church culture, this article is really good! (Also move out of your state if you can lol.)

Favorite dresses under $25:

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