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valentine's happenings / late happy list: 14

Saturday, February 15, 2014
I love Valentine's day! This year I decided to skip school and clean the house/set up cute things. I had to redo my nails though. As much as I loved the scotch tape thing, the tape started snagging on stuff and then it wasn't perfect and it bothered me. So, I redid them yesterday. My sister-in-law gave me this way cool nail polish kit for my birthday. You paint your base coat, and then paint over that with this glue stuff, and then stick foil to the glue! These look a lot more yellow than they are in real life. In real life it looks like I have gold on my nails. It's awesome.

Why don't some girls like flowers? I know my sister thinks they are so stupid. Help me understand! I love them. And I love getting them. 

We dined at Station 22. I liked it! They had this huge wall with 60 different types of soda! You just go over and pick one out, and then the waitress/waiter brings you a cold one. Turns out Sarsparilla tastes delicious! And is also the cutest bottle.

We liked the food too. Their sweet potato fries were TO DIE FOR. I got the veggie burger and it was really good! The patty was kind of weird, because it wasn't like, held together? If that makes sense. But, I loved the bun. And the fries. Did I mention the fries? Safe to say we rate it five stars!

While looking for a vase, I decided to just use my soda bottle and I'm obsessed with how cute it is!

I love Valentine's Day! Any excuse to do cute, fun things while dressed fancy... right?

1/ thick knee socks 2/ finding a parking spot seconds after pulling into the parking lot 3/ getting my first a- on a test 4/ when jake surprised me with treats for no reason 5/ buying tickets to phantogram (!!!) 6/ catching up on all my favorite dvr shows (awkward, pretty little liars, new girl, the walking dead) 7/ taking daily bubble baths (literally) / finding out that chris carrabba's new band is opening for augustana which means that he will be standing by his merch stand like most opening bands do and that means that i might finally get a picture with the lead singer of my favorite band 8/ the rainy and overcast weather we have been having 9/ being able to house sit from the 7-23, which means having bath tubs, big screen televisions, endless supplies of treats, backyards, and pets. we love when our families travel! 10/ celebrating special days with the cutest human.

Make a happy list. It makes you feel better about your life! 
4 comments on "valentine's happenings / late happy list: 14"
  1. It looks like you had a great Valentine's Day! I don't understand anybody who doesn't like flowers... how can you not like flowers?!
    And I love your nails; at a glance, they remind me of vintage maps... does that make sense?
    Hope you are enjoying the rest of your weekend.

    1. oh my gosh that's what i was telling jake! i was saying next time i should do like ocean blue and then have a small continent on each finger or something haha

  2. Sounds like you guys had a great day! I used to try and be one of those girls that was all "pfft.. I'm chill.. I don't need flowers" ... but then I realized how much I love having them around (probably around the same time I moved into an apartment with no yard).
    Love the dress!

    1. ugh yes! that's why i think i started to like them too. they make my apartment look so much prettier. plus having some plant life makes it feel homier i think. i read your story about buying yourself flowers... haha! i feel like that's something i would do.
