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When you cry a piece of my heart dies

Monday, May 7, 2012

Lately, I feel like blogging is stupid.

I have nothing to say. I just like taking pictures and need a place to put them.

I don't want to complain about anything. I don't want to recap my day. 

So, what to write, what to write.

Perhaps I'll share a secret everyday. That sounds fun, doesn't it?

Secret numero uno:

The only time I have ever snuck out my window, was the summer of 2010. I stayed up all night to watch the sun rise in the morning. I made some chamomile tea, just so I could have something warm as I sat outside. I sat in my driveway and noticed there was an ant on the cement. I remember thinking that it took a long time for the sun to rise. It wasn't what I was expecting. I climbed back down my window well, and back into my room. I checked myself twice for spiders, and then started making breakfast. 
I never crossed "watch the sun rise" off my bucket list.

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