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Gandhi's house

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

I never really posted that many photos of India. And they are so beautiful. Not because I am skilled at taking photos with a $100 camera from Wal-Mart (ha ha ha...), but because it's INDIA! Everything in India is the best. Except for maybe the smell in Delhi. Also, the Indian man butts aren't the best, but they are better than the other side. If you know what I mean.
Oh, also. I am ordered a camera remote! So, that should be fun. And hopefully produce some cool photos. No one likes me to take photos of them. I guess that's creepy. Whatever.

Oh, also also. I take my dental assisting finals tomorrow, and then I am out of that place! Onto the internship!

Oh, also also also. I don't have any classes at the high school. That means that next week, from Wednesday onwards, I will have basically all day to do whatever I want. I feel like not that much will get accomplished. But, I will be able to wear actual clothes, instead of scrubs. Maybe I can finish some paintings. And read some books. You know what? I think I'm going to compose a post of things I am going to do when I get done with finals. 

I guess that's really it this time. I think I keep offending people a little bit. But, I'm only being honest. 


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