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Maui, Hawaii

Sunday, February 12, 2012

I know this is a day late, but my camera battery died.

These photos are from yesterday. My mother got two free admission tickets to the Delta Sky Club (or something like that) and so we used them while in L.A.. It was super weird. They had a bunch of couches and chairs. They also had a little food area with adorable mini packets of Nutella and a squeeze packets of hummus. Yummmmy. It felt really futuristic for some reason. Maybe it's because I'm reading 1984 and it's all I can think about these days. But, it was kind of tucked away. It reminded me of the Dharma Initiative.

I made a friend on my flight! She was a hygienist from Minnesota. We chatted about bitewings (s/o to Angela... yay!) and film x-rays. It was enjoyable.

I really thought the plane was going to crash. For a good thirty minutes I stared out the window while listening to Milosh and decided how I would survive. Here's what I came up with: I would find a piece of shrapnel and float on it. If sharks came near, I would use another piece to bump their nose, because that makes them go away. When I got rescued, I would tell my story on I Shouldn't Be Alive and sue the airline for a millionbazillion dollars and go to Dubai. Because that new place they might build, with each condo having it's own beach looks really neat. And then I started wondering if maybe it was like Lost, and if the plane was crashing because God was trying to cleanse the earth of wicked people. But then, I remember my mother was on the plane so that theory was impossible.

I feel like I'm just rambling on, because I'm prolonging my bed time. Which is partially true, because my mother and I have to share a bed and she smells weird. Ha ha ha just kidding. She smells like... dancing waters. Literally (bahahah). 

Um.... Today, I woke up. Drank an iced coconut mocha. Ate 1/2 of a cinnamon roll. Went to the beach. Got tan/sunburned. Came back to the condo. Showered. Went to Da Kitchen. Ate a garden burger. Drove around. Went to Radioshack. Bought a camera charger. Went to an ice cream place. Ate a small ice cream cone. Came back to the condo. Watched the Kristen Bell on Ellen video (may I just take this moment to tell a small story. When I typed it in, my mother said, "Kristen Bell? Isn't he who played batman?" hahahahahahahahah). Now, I am blogging.

If any of you fine folks have a twitter, you should It really is so enjoyable.

Well, it's off to bed for me. I had a weird dream last night where I had to adopt this child and I was mad at my brother for some reason. But hey, I guess we all have to adopt children in our dreams at some point.

This has been really pointless, and if you read this whole thing, I will tell you a juicy juicy secret.

Much love,

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