Top Social

Last night I looked out my window at the street light and imagined Dumbledore appeared and told me I was a wizard.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Blogs to read??
Drop your link? Or your favorite blog's link??

We love each other.

Secrets secrets are no fun.

Monday, June 27, 2011
Alright folks.
Me and the lovely Autumn from Goodmorning, I Love You have created a monster.
A monster of love and inspirations.


It's a blog where everyone will contribute.

1.) Find something you want to do before you die.
2.) Do it.
3.) Send us photos, a video, a story, SOMETHING about your experience. Why you wanted to do it, how it changed your life, etc.
4.) We publish it onto the blog.
5.) Other people look at what you did, and do it for themselves. Or get inspired to do something else.

We will also have weekly challenges.
Such as hug eight strangers, eat six jalapenos, write a letter to an old friend, WHATEVER. (If you have a good idea for a weekly challenge, we'd love to hear it, just email us!)

ANYWAYS. The idea of it is that we will be able to inspire others with our boldness to free ourselves from whatever is tying us down and preventing us from doing the things we want to do.
We will free ourselves from ourselves.

Join in. It will be fun.

Considering this is a fairly new idea to the both of us, we understand some of it might not make sense. If that's the case, or if you have input on how to improve it, just email at

I look forward to seeing you as you want to be seen.

Sometimes I feel like I've used my eyes too much and have to close them for a while.

Saturday, June 25, 2011
Journey to Pensacola, FL.
First time at the beach.

First of all, how adorable are they? This was not set up by humans. They simply love each other and wanted a photo op. Granted.

Alabama greenery. Rain. The beginning of a journey like no other journey.
-The newly wed game for an hour and a half.
-Not one, but TWO drivethrus.
-Sketchy glances thrown.
-Old men at cash registers with impossible-to-understand southern accents.

Brucey. You know how sometimes there's the twin sisters in the movies and one is obviously prettier and nicer and just all around better than the other one? That's how it is with Max and Bruce.
Except Bruce is the one who is better, and Max is the one who will die bitter.

Already workin' it.

Bridges are terrifying. I can never understand how they are structured to stay up, because there's nothing holding it up in the middle. Speak to me Architects. I've been meaning to read The Fountainhead for quite some time now. Perhaps it would offer valuable insight.

It's 1:30 a.m..
Wait, when you are typing the time like that in a sentence, would I put a period after the period marking the abbreviation for whatever the hhhhh m stands for?
Would I say "It's 1:30 a.m." or "It's 1:30 a.m.."
Mr. Lind should have prepared me for this.

How awesome would it be if your room was the very top level?

Ok. I'm always scared to say condiments and condo, because how humiliating would it be if you accidentally said condoms? (When I originally wrote that, I said condom instead of condo. See, common but fatal mistake.)

British invasion.
Zooey, you are British.
I took this photo for you.

My sister told me I can't openly admit I watch Pretty Little Liars.
This is me revoking my previous admittance statement.
I watch it purely because it is the WORST acting, CHEESIEST lines, and most AWKWARD couples.
I named my voodoo doll after Toby.

Google him.
You'll understand.

(Dear Toby, if you are reading this, I'm sure you're a great person. You just chose the wrong career.)

Bye, guys.


Monday, June 20, 2011

I'm really strugglin' guys.
If any of you know how to get the disgusting space to the left of my sidebar gone, please speak up.

I would like the layout to look something like this...

So, like wider I guess.
I know there's all that HTML stuff.

Unfortunately, I don't speak computer.

If you have ANY idea as to how I might achieve this, please, please share.
I've spent hours of my life on this.
Hours I will never get back.
Hours I could have spent watching Dawson's Creek.
Or Pretty Little Liars.
Or The Glee Project. (How adorable is the nerdy boy?!)

Rambling: Finished.

Posi vibes coming your way. (Phrase stolen from Goodmorning, I Love You. All credit goes to her.

EDIT: Someone said something about main wrapper and outer wrapper, but I can't find that anywhere! Is it this by chance?

      <b:variable default='930px' name='content.width' type='length' value='1000px'/>
      <b:variable default='0' name='main.column.left.width' type='length' value='270px'/>
      <b:variable default='360px' name='main.column.right.width' type='length' value='0px'/>

If so what do I do?

This is why I love her.

i'm alive

Thursday, June 16, 2011
I wake up in the morning to this.

I drive down the road to this.

I see the rain on the street do this.

I see Auburn like this.

I see an Asian on a corner like this.
I see an Asian couple on a corner like this.
I see Auburn fans on a corner like this.
I see college students on a corner like this.

I walk down streets like this.

I eat at places like this.

I sit and watch the walk-by people like this.

I pass by alleys like this.

I see trees like this.

And that's how I spend my time.

I'm selling my closet on Etsy.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Check out my Etsy shop.
Everything is $5.
Shipping is either the $5.10 basic flat rate from Fed Ex, or cheaper if you live close to me.

I only have $1,000 left to raise for India.

Please check it out.
Tell your friends... tell your followers... tell whomever.

More will be added, I have literally, at least 50 dresses/tops.

(check the etsy mini sidebar for some previews)

Check it out.

It's a perfect moment.

Monday, June 6, 2011

These are hard times for dreamers.

A woman without love wilts like a flower without sun.

We pass the time of day to forget how time passes.

Without you, today's emotions would be the scurf of yesterday's.

an actual outfit post. for once.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Seeing as how I'm part of Mormon FASHION bloggers and Independent FASHION bloggers, I decided it was only fitting that I actually did an outfit post.
Awkward, but necessary.
I finally cleaned out my closet room and set up a whole little section where I can take photos of my outfit. SCORE.
Look forward to it folks.

Ugly faces and awkward dancing.
Always a turn on.

I'll be honest with you all. I didn't realize how awkward a outfit photo shoot actually is until I did one. I had to put on some Ting Tings and Plastiscines to eliminate the uncomfortableness of it all.
I have now been singing "Shut up and let me go" literally everywhere I go.
Maybe I bought the ring tone as well.

(At the snow shack getting a snow cone)
Girl: "I like your tights!"
Me: "Thank you!
Girl: (says nothing) (continues to stare at legs/outfit)
Me: (purchase snow cone. sneak a look at the girl. yep. still staring.) "Cool."

Folks. Only ONE MORE DAY until I can interact with this beautiful creature on a daily basis.
Only ONE MORE DAY until I can interact with this beautiful creature's GORGEOUS CHILD.
It's a wonder I can even hold still right now.

There was literally no one at school today. I asked my teachers if I needed to stay and they all said no. My friend and I wandered at Target and school. I saw mullet boy and almost told him I had a crush on him, but his beauty stunned me and I lost my chance.
Tomorrow is yearbook day. It will happen then. MARK MY WORDS.
I need to develop my film.
And go to Leavenworth, Washington.

I'm off to clean out my car.
So long dears.
Do something crazy to celebrate the end of school.